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Blog Post Cars Soccer


As part of the 5100 module we have to create an online multiplayer game using the NekoEngine game engine, internal game engine at the SAE Institute Geneva. This game must include at least one playable level and an interface for connecting at least two players.


Cars Soccer is a 2D online multiplayer game inspired by Rocket League. You play a car and you have to score goals.


Start of the game

At the start when a player logs his car spawn, when the two cars are spawned a countdown is launched before the game start.


You can use up and down keys to accelerate and slow down. You have to use left and right keys to turn your car. The car stop automatically if you do not accelerate or slow down.


When a car touch the ball, it take his direction and a little bit more of his velocity. The ball stop automatically.

When the ball touch the left or right limitations, it bounces on it.

When the ball touch the top or the bottom of the screen a goal is scored. Cars and the ball respawn at start positions.

End of the game

When a player have no more life the other player win the game and the game stopped.

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